南米コロンビアHuman Bionics SASとの業務提携
マルイチエアリアルエンジニア株式会社、南米コロンビアHuman Bionics SASとの業務提携契約を締結
MARUICHI AERIAL ENGINEER Co., Ltd and Human Bionics entered into a Partnership Agreement

We are pleased to announce that MARUICHI AERIAL ENGINEER Co., Ltd (‘maec’) and Human Bionics SAS located in Colombia, South America entered into a Partnership Agreement.
Human Bionics CEO カルロス・エスカランテは、日本最大級のCPS/IoT関連見本市「CEATEC2019」(以下、CEATEC)にて、海外の有力スタートアップが出展する「JETRO Global Connection」(注1)に招致され来日、参加いたしました。
maecの親会社である株式会社マルイチは、自社の保有する特許をもとに開発を始めた、工法システムのソフトウェア開発およびAIロボティクス技術面でのサポート可能な企業を求めていました。同会場にて出会ったカルロス・エスカランテとmaec代表取締役 酒井順子は、互いのニーズの一致を確信しました。以降、Human Bionicsは、マルイチの特殊伐採の現場で使用するクライミングデバイス・工法システムの開発にコロンビアから遠隔で参画しておりました。
出会いから1年、開発サポート業務を通して相互の信頼関係を築き上げてきた両者は、maec設立を契機に、単なる業務委託関係ではなく、パートナーとして、maecの開発業務全般に、より総合的により深く関わることとなりました。さらに、Human Bionicsの事業展開を共に行ない、互いの自社開発製品を各自のターゲット市場のみならず、他異業種へと応用展開していくこを合意いたしました。

また、対COVID-19、一般的なウイルスまたはバクテリア殺菌用の紫外線消毒ロボットの開発・製造・販売を行なっております。当該ロボットの活躍の場は、公共スペース、診療所、病院、商業センターなどの滅菌を想定。携帯電話からロボットを管理するための独自開発アプリAPP “Kbinet”に接続して作動させます。
(注1) 「Jetro Grobal Connection」 : ジェトロ(独立行政法人日本貿易振興機構、東京都港区)が、CEATECに設置している有望な海外スタートアップとの商談ブース
*”MARUICHI AERIAL ENGINEER” 、 “maec” および会社ロゴは、マルイチエ アリアル エンジニア株式会社の登録商標です。
【Human Bionicsについて】会社名: Human Bionics SAS
所在地: Cra. 36 #54-98 Piso 3, Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia
代表者: カルロス・アンドレス・エスカランテ・ヒグエラ
設立 : 2016年
URL : https://www.hubionics.com/
事業内容: メディカルデバイス、産業プロダクトに関するIOTテクノロジー
会社名:マルイチ エアリアル エンジニア株式会社
URL: https://www.maec.jp
事業内容: ロープワークに係る製品開発・製造・販売、教育の提供、知的財産ライセンス
URL: https://www.maruichi01.co.jp
マルイチ エアリアル エンジニア株式会社
Human Bionics CEO Carlos Escalante was invited to and participated in the “JETRO Global Connection” (Note 1, hereinafter CEATEC).
At CEATEC, Carlos met Yoriko Sakai. They were convinced mutual needs.
Maruichi, parent company of maec, were looking for a company that could make AI software with robotics technology for a construction method system for development based on their patents.
Since then, Human Bionics has participated remotely from Colombia in the development of a Climbing Device and Construction Method System used at the worksite of Maruichi.
One year after the encounter, and after developing trustworthiness between both parties, maec and Human Bionics are moving on to become a partnership. In doing so, Human Bionics will more deeply and comprehensively be involved in maec’s development projects. Both parties will expand Human Bionics’ business together. Also both parties agreed to expand the market target to multiple industries.
Human Bionics is a biomedical technology company that solves problems for people with disabilities and all people with physical disabilities with innovative technology and sophisticated design in order to provide a better quality of life.
Human Bionics exports its unique engineering and science technologies to developed countries and contributes to society through knowledge and new ideas.
Their main product make ambulation possible for persons affected by symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. This device connects to a software application called ANDA that a uses sound to stimulate the brain and the production of dopamine.
Ultraviolet disinfection robot for COVID19, virus’ and bacteria in general, in order to clean public spaces, clinics, hospitals, commercial centres, etc. The technology is connected to software called KBINET which allows remote control management from a smartphone.
maec will register patents invention inspired by the work-site of Maruichi Co., Ltd. and are expecting to develop products and systems that enable the work-site to be performed more safely, securely, comfortably and smoothly. maec’s business market prospective not only targets the construction industry but also various industries throughout the world where people perform ‘rope-work’. In addition, as an intellectual property business, maec is planning to license patents, knowhow and technologies.
Note1″JETRO Grobal Connection”: A meetup (business meeting) with Japanese companies set up by JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization) at CEATEC.
*”MARUICHI AERIAL ENGINEER”, “maec” and company logo are registered trademarks of MARUICHI AERIAL ENGINEER Co., Ltd.
[About Human Bionics]
Company name: Human bionics SAS
Place of business : Cra. 36 #54-98 Piso 3, Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia
CEO: Carlos Andres Escalante Higuera
Established: 2016
URL: http://www.hubionics.com
Main business: Internet of the things development (IOT) technologies specialized in Medical device and industrial products.
[About maec]
CEO: Yoriko Sakai
Headquarter: Gin Bldg. 4F, Giza7-15-18, Chuo-ku Ginza, Tokyo Japan
Established: September 29th, 2020
Webpage: https://www.maec.jp
[About Maruichi]
Company name: Maruichi Co., Ltd.
President: Haruki Iwasa
Place of business: 80-2, Murakami, Niigata, Japan
Established: 2011
Main business: Mainly undertakes preventive and emergency logging along railways and roads and around structures. Introducing original patented construction technology such as the ‘Wood Tower Construction Method’ and ‘Forest Move Construction Method’. It makes full use of advanced technology to safely cut potentially unsafe or dangerous giant trees and transport them via rope to safe locations.